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Where do you start accessing Innosonix Devices?
Features MAXX Remote MAXX Control
Single-Channel Control
Multichannel Control (per Device only)
Device Settings
Undo / Redo
Offline Project Planing
  1. Basic Device Setup in the network => IDFM Tool
  2. Single Device without much need to constantly change settings of multiple channels => MAXX Control
  3. Headstart without any additional installation? => MAXX Control
  4. More than one Device? Recommendation => MAXX Remote

1 - IDFM

The Innosonix Device and Firmware Manager, find and update devices.

2 - Maxx Control

The single device control hosted on each device.

What we call MAXX-CONTROL is basically a static webpage hosted on each device for easy access out of every web browser. The webpage controls the amplifier by utilizing its fully open REST-API

2.1 - REST-API

The REST-API for Innosonix Devices

All function, the devices offers are available via the integrated REST-API.

The API is based on HTTP PUT / GET / OPTIONS / DELETE calls with JSON payload.

Every PUT / DELETE call has to be verified via a “Authentication Token” in the HTTP header. The default token is: “f4005bf8507999192162d989d5a60823”

This documentation is more dedicated as general overview and description how to handle the API. Each device includes the latest API-Documentation with all available calls.

It can be found on the lower right corner of the OVERVIEW page:

Overall Structure

It’s an hierarchical REST API with partial resource updates, structured per channel and it’s corresponding resources like DSP / EQ / VOLUME / etc.

That means you can basically update the whole device with up to 32 channels, with a single HTTP PUT call like a HTTP PUT on http://{IP}/rest-api/settings with a json payload containing the requested structure.

  • settings/
    • channel/
      • 1/
        • ampenable
        • dsp/
          • delay
          • eq
          • fir
          • mute
      • 2/
        • ampenable
        • dsp/
          • delay
          • eq
          • fir
          • mute
      • etc…
    • device/
      • dante/
    • etc…

On the other hand, update single resources down in the tree is also possible, e.g. http://{IP}/rest-api/settings/channel/1/ampenable

2.1.1 - Examples

Some REST-API use cases

Multizone Volume Control

Controlling the volume of several zones, consists of n-channels per device.

Let’s say a Zone consists of channel 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13. All volumes can be updated simultaneously by performing: HTTP PUT http://${ip}rest-api/settings/channel with the following payload, value: -10.2 representing the volume of -10.2 dB :

    "channel_id": 1,
    "dsp": {
      "volume": {
        "value": -10.2
    "channel_id": 2,
    "dsp": {
      "volume": {
        "value": -10.2
    "channel_id": 3,
    "dsp": {
      "volume": {
        "value": -10.2
    "channel_id": 11,
    "dsp": {
      "volume": {
        "value": -10.2
    "channel_id": 12,
    "dsp": {
      "volume": {
        "value": -10.2
    "channel_id": 13,
    "dsp": {
      "volume": {
        "value": -10.2
curl -X 'PUT' http://${IP}/rest-api/settings/channel/ \
-H 'token: f4005bf8507999192162d989d5a60823' \
-d '[{"channel_id":1,"dsp":{"volume":{"value":-10.2}}},{"channel_id":2,"dsp":{"volume":{"value":-10.2}}},{"channel_id":3,"dsp":{"volume":{"value":-10.2}}},{"channel_id":11,"dsp":{"volume":{"value":-10.2}}},{"channel_id":12,"dsp":{"volume":{"value":-10.2}}},{"channel_id":13,"dsp":{"volume":{"value":-10.2}}}]' 

DSP On / Off

Sometimes it can be handy to turn off / on the whole channel equalizer. For this example, use channel 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13. This can be done by:

HTTP PUT http://${ip}rest-api/settings/channel

    "channel_id": 1,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": false
    "channel_id": 2,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": false
    "channel_id": 3,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": false
    "channel_id": 11,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": false
    "channel_id": 12,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": false
    "channel_id": 13,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": false
curl -X 'PUT' http://${IP}/rest-api/settings/channel/ \
-H 'token: f4005bf8507999192162d989d5a60823' \
-d '[
    "channel_id": 1,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": false
    "channel_id": 2,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": false
    "channel_id": 3,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": false
    "channel_id": 11,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": false
    "channel_id": 12,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": false
    "channel_id": 13,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": false

    "channel_id": 1,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": true
    "channel_id": 2,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": true
    "channel_id": 3,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": true
    "channel_id": 11,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": true
    "channel_id": 12,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": true
    "channel_id": 13,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": true
curl -X 'PUT' http://${IP}/rest-api/settings/channel/ \
-H 'token: f4005bf8507999192162d989d5a60823' \
-d '[
    "channel_id": 1,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": true
    "channel_id": 2,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": true
    "channel_id": 3,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": true
    "channel_id": 11,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": true
    "channel_id": 12,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": true
    "channel_id": 13,
    "dsp": {
      "eqenable": {
        "value": true

2.2 - Third Party Plugins

Third Party Plugins to use with MAXX CONTROL

All those plugins utilizing the REST-API to aceess a SINGLE device.

2.2.1 - Loxone Maxx Control

Getting started with Loxone Maxx Control Plug-In

Due to the fact that Loxone can only combine either Virtual Inputs or Virtual Outputs in a Template file, two different Templates have to be installed:

  • MAXX-CONTROL which allows to set parameters to the amplifier
  • MAXX-STATUS fetches Data from the Amplifier, mainly intended for Channel and Device Status

It’s totally valid to use only one, depending on your needs.


Download the corresponding .LxAddon Files and install it into your Loxone Config by double clicking or via the Import wizard like:


Both Plugins can be instantiated multiple times, as often as you want to control physical devices.


Download the MAXX-CONTROL.Loxone example file from the Loxone Library

The Template basically provides the following predefined controls:

  • Channel Power
  • Channel Mute
  • Channel Volume
  • Device Identify
  • Device Master Mute
  • Device Master Volume

and some examples of how to create custom commands for improved performance.

Power / Mute

Simple digital outputs which can be grouped together in any desired combination.


Similar to Power / Mute Volume will send out any changes for each output as a single http request.

The interesting part here is how to map the common Loxone Analog Values in a range of 0-10 to a dB value for the amplifiers. That can be easily done with the Correction field of each output. The default configuration will map the values of 0-10 to -72dB - +10dB

This will give you almost the full dynamic range of the volume value:

Combined Commands

A basic understanding of the REST-API interface is recommended to create those combined commands.

As a starting point, have a look at the three included examples:

  • Multichannel Mute
  • Multichannel Power
  • Multichannel Volume

Those commands send the same value to multiple channels within a single HTTP request, significantly improving performance when many channels are involved in a call.

Multichannel Mute

Let’s have a look at the HTTP body which is sent out when the DIGITAL OUTPUT is set to ON by clicking on the edit button of that line:

You basically see a JSON payload file containing an ARRAY of single JSON objects for the corresponding channels, indicated by the channel_id tag:

    "channel_id": 1,
    "dsp": {
      "mute": {
        "value": true
    "channel_id": 5,
    "dsp": {
      "mute": {
        "value": true
    "channel_id": 7,
    "dsp": {
      "mute": {
        "value": true
    "channel_id": 30,
    "dsp": {
      "mute": {
        "value": true

To modify that, simply duplicate the entries:

   "channel_id": 1,
   "dsp": {
      "mute": {
         "value": true

for each channel, you want to control and change the channel_id to the desired channel number.


Download the MAXX-STATUS.Loxone example file from the Loxone Library

The MAXX-STATUS Template periodically polls the /rest-api/status URL of the amplifier and filters the response for each channel status/device status.

The raw CHxx STATUS value represents the default syslog severity levels like:

8 OK

In combination with the provided STATUS component with the following settings:

An easy virtualization can be achieved.

Combining the Val output of each STATUS component with an OR Gate, a simple GLOBAL STATUS can be generated when any channels or device assert any state higher than NOTICE ( see STATUS settings, State value).

2.2.2 - Q-SYS Maxx Control

Getting started with Q-SYS Maxx Control Plug-In


Innosonix GmbH has developed a plug-in to integrate our web based control page for Maxx Series called Maxx Control with QSC Q-SYS Ecosystems.

Innosonix Devices can be added to the Q-SYS Ecosystem with Q-SYS Designer Software. You must be using Q SYS Designer 9.8 or above in order to use this plug-in

Innosonix Devices can then be controlled by Q-SYS Designer, Q-SYS compatible user-controlled interfaces and GPIO logic ports integrated into Q-SYS cores and peripherals.

Control features:

  • Ampenable
  • Ch Fault
  • Ch Name
  • Ch Status
  • Connection Status
  • Device Fault
  • Device Status
  • Disable
  • Device Fault
  • Input Meter Level
  • IP Address
  • Load Monitor Impedance
  • Mute
  • Output Meter Level
  • Output Meter Reduction
  • Volume

Innosonix devices must have firmware version V3.19.4 or above installed to be compatible with the Maxx Control Plug-in. If you are unsure what firmware you device is currently using, please download IDFM to help confirm and if need be install up to date firmware.

For further control and processing capabilties of your Maxx Device please download Maxx Remote

Getting Started:

  1. Download the Innosonix Maxx Control Plug-in from the Third Party Downloads section of the Downloads section of our website.

  2. Copy the insert name of plug-in here from into the My Documents/QSC/Q-Sys Designer/Plugins Folder

  3. Open Q-SYS Desinger, the Plug-in can be found in the Schematic Elements/Plugins section on the right-hand side of the page:

    Image of Plug-in file path

  4. Drag and drop the Plug-in into your design and select it by clicking once on the Plug-in icon.

  5. Control pins can be enabled by ticking the check-boxes in the “Control Pins” section as required:

    Image of the location of the Plug-in Control Pins

  6. Go “Online” with your Q-Sys project. If devices are not connected you can use the “Emulate” function under the “File” tab in the menu above.

  7. Double clicking the Plug-in icon brings up the device interface, select the “Global Tab”, and enter the amplifiers IP address. If you are having trouble find the IP address of your device it will appear on the front screen of your device Alternatively, use idfm to find the IP addressof your device:

    Image of Plug-ins global tab page

  8. The “Global Tab” notifies the user of important information on the Innosonix device including:

    • IP Address
    • Model
    • Software Version
    • Serial Number
    • Device Name
    • Device Location
    • Pole Counter
    • Device Status
  9. Select the “Channels Tab”:

Image of Plug-ins channel tab page

  1. Within the “Channels Tab” the user has the facility to adjust a number of the devices features including:
  • Mute
  • Enable or Disable Channel
  • Volume

Further Assistance:

For any more information please visit feel free to Contact us!

3 - Maxx Remote

Maxx Remote Documentation

Work in progress documentation.

3.1 - Concept

Basic concept behind MAXX Remote

… is, and abstraction layer between devices and just channels. It doesn’t matter if 1000 channel are spread out over 32x 32 Channel amplifiers, or 125x 8 Channel Amplifiers or any other combination.

As a user, you normally don’t want to know on which amplifier channel your speakers are mapped during operation and tuning of the system. The only thing that’s interests is that you want to control this specific channel or a group of channels in a room for example.

Application / Server

MAXX Remote can be used in two different application forms:

  1. Desktop Application (multiplatform Windows / MAC / Linux)
  2. Server only as Docker Image Docker Hub

In both scenarios, the MAXX Remote system always consists of an SERVER and FRONTEND / USERINTERFACE / GUI part which is general a html webpage controlling the actual server.

The SERVER / Desktop application containing an integrated webserver where the USERINTERFACE is always accessible. Like on your local PC: http://localhost:8000


In MAXX Remote we distinguish between some basic object types:

    Represents a single amplifier channel which holds data for every possible DSP option.

  2. GROUP
    Groups can control every parameters the channels offers but will affect multiple channel at once.

    Devices represents amplifier in your Project. Each Devices, depending on it’s type, offers a specific channel count like 8, 16, 24, 32.

    are those hardware channel, present on devices in your project, like CH1 @ AMP1

How does this relates?

CHANNELS could be seen like regular channel strips on an amplifier device itself. That means, you can control this specific channel like you want.

If a CHANNEL is part of one or multiple GROUPS, those groups could also add some values to that channel. Depending on the parameter type, the overall summation of the channel value and all assigned groups will be the final output value of that channel.

Source Volume
Channel -2dB
Group 1 -1dB
Group 2 +5dB
________ _______

If a CHANNEL is linked to a HW Channel (a channel on an Amplifier device), MAXX Remote will send the CHANNEL values to the device.

Since all channel settings are stored in the database of MAXX REMOTE, it’s easy to exchange a device or even reorder the channel assignment over devices.


Once a CHANNEL is linked to a device, MAXX REMOTE monitors those channel values on the device itself because it’s still possible to directly change channel values via MAXX CONTROL.

If any mismatch in data consistency is detected via the periodical check-in MAXX REMOTE, an OUT OF SYNC warning is asserted, which shows the affected parameters.

It’s the user’s responsibility to resolve those issues by either changing values in the MAXX REMOTE to align with the device or just overwriting the data in the device with those data stored in MAXX REMOTE.

3.2 - Installation

How to Install Maxx Remote?

Good part, it’s quite easy!

Desktop Application

Just download the application from our webpage

Those applications are portable, which means no installation is required, just start them.

Server / Docker

Simple Start

docker run --detach --name maxx-remote --network host innosonix/maxx-remote:latest

Once the Docker Container is running, the integrated web server can be accessed via the IP address of the Docker on port 8000.

Manage the persistence

Manage it on your own

You can manage the project files by downloading/uploading the current runtime configuration when switching to a new container.

Using Docker Volumes

The preferable way is to use a dedicated docker volume to store the runtime configuration of the server.

# create a new volume ( only has to be done once )
docker volume create maxx-remote-volume

# start the container and mount the volume
docker run  --detach \
            --restart always \
            --name maxx-remote \
            --network host \
            --mount source=maxx-remote-volume,target=/root \

3.3 - Quick-Start

First music out of a device

Set up a simple demo scenario containing three speakers (Left / Right / Sub) connected to CH 1, 4, and 9 on an MA32/D², doing some equalization and routing music from a Dante Virtual Sound card.

Create Project

The first time you are going to Start the Maxx Remote, this splash screen appears. Click on Start a new project and type in any name.

Create Channels / Groups

Let’s create our three required channels and one group containing all channels.

  1. Click on CHANNELS -> MAP | CREATE
  2. Click on + CHANNEL and enter 3 in that CHANNELS TO ADD field. We can now directly assign names to those channels.
    Finish that by clicking on CREATE CHANNELS
  3. Our three PROJECT CHANNELS have now been created, as seen in the LINKED TO column; there is no link to an amplifier channel yet. Those channels can configure any settings without the need for actual hardware devices.
  4. Perform the same steps to create one Group by clicking on + GROUP and name it ROOM 1, for example
  5. Now assign the channels to that group by either Drag & Drop the selected channel to a group or selecting them and pressing the MAP button in the headline.

Connecting to an amplifier

  1. Click on DEVICES -> ADD DEVICE. You can either add devices already found in your network or add them manually by specifying MODEL and HOSTNAME. Disable the GENERATE PROJECT CHANNELS since we don’t want to autogenerate all amplifier channels in our project.
  2. Once the Device is added, the Maxx Remote automatically tries to connect. The CONNECT switch can be used to disable any network activity.
  3. We will link our PROJECT CHANNELS to the channels of the amplifier itself by clicking on the LINKED CHs icon.
  4. To ensure we link the correct channels, an IDENTIFY function is available to play a test tone (like PINK NOISE with a certain level -40 dB) on the corresponding channel.
  5. Once the correct channel is found, link a PROJECT CHANNEL** to that HW CHANNEL by Drag & Drop or via the LINK button.
  6. Finish the linking of the remaining channels
  7. The assignment can easily be reordered by Drag & Drop a HW CHANNEL to another empty slot or even swapping two channels by dragging one over an already assigned one.

Adjusting the Volume

  1. Before doing anything else, let’s decrease the volume of our setup by -20dB. Navigate to GROUPS and click on the VOLUME field
  2. Enter -20 and press ENTER or click on SET. This will update the Volume of all channels in that Group.
  3. Let’s increase the Volume of the Subwoofer by +6dB to give us a little boost. Navigate to CHANNEL and click on the VOLUME field of the corresponding channel.
    Type in 6 and press ENTER. The new OUTPUT result is shown. (-20dB from GROUP Room 1 and +6dB from the CHANNEL itself results in -14dB )

Adjusting the EQ for the Subwoofer

  1. Set an LP filter for the Subwoofer. Navigate to CHANNELS -> EQ Icon.
  2. Drag & Drop a LOW PASS filter into the EQ windows
  3. Click on the blue dot or the blue rectangle on the lower part of the eq windows to select the filter. Click on the GEAR icon to open the Low Pass type editor. For example, select a 24dB Butterworth characteristic and confirm via OK.
  4. The frequency can either be changed by dragging the blue dot or entering the desired frequency in the textbox below and confirming via ENTER / SET
  5. Add more filters as required.

Adjusting the EQ for the Group

  1. Perform similar steps to add some overall EQs to GROUP Room 1, like:
  2. Navigate back to the CHANNELS of GROUP Room 1 by using the ARROW button on the right, for example:
  3. Open the EQ of the channel Subwoofer again and take a look. This will indicate the summation of all EQs applied to that channel.

Creating some INPUTs

We can use different approaches to supply some music to those channels. But for now, assume a stereo source coming from a Dante Device / Dante Virtual Soundcard.

By using INPUTS in the Maxx Remote, we can specify MONO or STEREO Sources in the Dante network. The required information can be found in the Dante Controller, containing the HOSTNAME and the Transmit Channel name. A Dante Stream will be represented by that combination Transmit Channel@HOSTNAME.

In the example below, 01@STEFFEN-PC

  1. Click on INPUTS -> + INPUT SOURCES. Enter the required information.
    1. SOURCE LABEL: Just to identify that SOURCE in the Maxx Remote
    2. RECEIVE HOSTNAME: Hostname of the Dante Device
    3. RECEIVE LABEL: The Transmit Channel name
  2. Once the SOURCE is created, navigate to GROUPS -> INPUT and apply that SOURCE to that group, Room 1
  3. All channels in that group will now assign that INPUT SOURCE based on their ROLE, like LEFT / RIGHT / MONO.
  4. The channel Left is now performing a downmix from STEREO to MONO by using both INPUTS
  5. Since this is not what we like to see here, change the CHANNEL ROLE to LEFT by clicking on CHANNEL -> ROLE -> LEFT
  6. The Channel now receives only the desired Left Channel of that INPUT SOURCE
  7. Looking at the Dante Controller should also indicate those dynamically assigned slots marked with a “D:”
  8. Repeat those steps for the channel Right.
  9. The Subwoofer is default set to MONO, so the downmix is performed correctly.

3.4 - Surround Input Sources

How to manage surround audio in Maxx Remote

For a basic explanation on how to handle Input Sources, please refer to the corresponding section in the Quick-Start chapter. Here we will have a more in-depth look on all the features regarding Surround audio.

Surround Channel Names

Since there is no uniform naming convention for the additional surround channels (The nomenclature will vary, depending on which resources you refer to), let’s quickly establish which designation in Maxx Remote refers to which speaker in a 5.1 and 7.1 surround setup:

5.1 Setup

{ width=300px }

  1. Center (C)
  2. Left (L)
  3. Right (R)
  4. Left Surround (Ls)
  5. Right Surround (Rs)
  6. Low Frequency Effect (LFE)

7.1 Setup

{ width=50% }

  1. Center (C)
  2. Left (L)
  3. Right (R)
  4. Left Surround (Ls)
  5. Right Surround (Rs)
  6. Back Surround Left (Bsl)
  7. Back Surround Right (Bsr)
  8. Low Frequency Effect (LFE)

Creating Input Sources

Creating Surround Input Sources works just as described in the Quick-Start chapter. Naturally, there are a few more channels requiring a RECEIVE LABEL for surround setups.

Additional Channel Roles

Since Surround Setups are not just limited to “Left” and “Right” channels, there are now a few more roles available that you can assign to a CHANNEL. Selecting NONE will result in this CHANNEL not being provided any INPUT SOURCE related Dante Streams at all. With MONO, a CHANNEL will usually be assigned to all the streams included in an INPUT SOURCE, but more on that later.

Group Output-/Channel Setup

“Output-” or “Channel-Setup” is a new setting that has been added to the GROUP overview page. This setting should reflect the kind of speaker setup your GROUP is supposed to control. To guarantee a correct output, all channel-roles included in a surround setup need to be assigned to at least one CHANNEL assigned to this GROUP. Leaving out a necessary role or assigning a role that is not part of your selected output setup won’t throw any errors but will result either in a Dante stream not being assigned to any CHANNEL or in a CHANNEL not receiving any Dante stream.



In real world scenarios, not always will the channel setup of a GROUP and the INPUT SOURCE you assign to it be an exact match. Either your speaker setup might have fewer channels available than your input source would require, or an INPUT-SOURCE requires fewer channels than your speaker setup provides. In the first scenario, you’d have to create a DOWNMIX of all the Dante streams to the available channel roles in case you want all the information included in the source material to be played back on the available speakers. In the latter scenario, you’d have to create an UPMIX in case you want to guarantee that all speakers will always be provided with a Dante stream.

For ease of communication, we combined those two scenarios under the term CROSSMIX.

The Crossmix Overview Page

Maxx Remote will provide a set of predefined default crossmix strategies for all possible combinations of input- and output-setups that you can review and edit on the CROSSMIX page. Of course you can also define and add your own custom crossmix strategies.

Besides the usual text search, at the top of the page you will also find a couple of filters, to quickly limit the displayed crossmixes to the desired input- and/or output-setups.


Crossmix Strategies can be assigned at three levels to combinations of Input- and Output-Setups:

  1. Global Default (lowest priority)

    Since for every combination of Input- and Output-Setup there must always be a global default to fall back to. It is not possible to un-default or delete a crossmix strategy currently assigned the role of default. Rather, you’d first have to assign another strategy as default for this combination of Input- and Output-Setup before being able to do either.

  2. For all Input-Setups on a specific GROUP (medium priority)

    In case no specific strategy is assigned, the select box will display whichever strategy is globally assigned to this In-/Out combination.

  3. For individual combinations of INPUT-SOURCE and GROUP (highest priority)

    In case no specific strategy is assigned, the select box will display whichever strategy is applicable from either of the lower priority levels.

Programatically, a crossmix strategy is always used to determine which Dante streams should be routed to which output channels, not just in cases the input- and output setup do not match. Maxx Remote will check in reverse order (3. - 2. - 1.) to see, which strategy is applicable to the In-/Out combination at hand and distribute the Dante streams accordingly.

On all three levels, you can use the gear icon to open the EDIT view for the selected or applicable crossmix strategy.

The select boxes will only display the crossmix strategies befitting the Output Setup of the selected GROUP and whichever Input Setup is applicable.

Add-/Edit Crossmix

  • The Crossmix configuration is displayed in a 2D matrix view, with the rows representing the available output channels, whereas the columns represent the expected input channels.
  • You can set crosspoints, either by double-clicking a respective crosspoint, or selecting it via single-click and then clicking on the “Enable” switch.
  • The “Gain Offset” input field will only be available for activated crosspoints and display the volume offset value for the selected crosspoint.
  • For better and quicker readability, the most common offset values (0, +/-3, -6) are represented as color coded circles. All other values are displayed numerically.
  • When disabling a crosspoint, its last Gain Offset value will be remembered when it is reactivated
  • Enable the “Default” switch, in case you wish this Crossmix to be the new global default for the selected combination of Input- and Output-Setup
  • To unlock the “Add” button, you first must assign a name to your new Crossmix.
  • The Edit-Crossmix window offers both a “Save” and a “Save As New” function. While “Save” simply saves all changes made to the selected Crossmix (also name), “Save As New” will only be unlocked once you change the initially selected Crossmix’s name. All modifications will then be saved as a new Crossmix, while the Crossmix you initially selected will remain unchanged.
  • Changing either the Input- or Output-Setup for a Crossmix assigned as global default is not possible, as doing so, would result in loosing the last fallback option for a specific combination of Input- and Output-Setup.
    On the other hand, on none default crossmixes, the setup can easily be changed
  • Changing the Input- or Output-Setup for a Crossmix that is already assigned as GROUP or GROUP/INPUT specific Crossmix will result in this assignment being removed, and Maxx Remote updating all Dante stream assignments according to the next Crossmix in the hierarchy tree.
  • Just as in the overview page, you can not un-default an existing Crossmix, but only select another Crossmix as Default instead.